Upcoming Events:
Topic: JIK Berlin 2015: Here plays the theatre!
Date: Friday, 2. October, Saturday 3.1 October, Sunday, 4 October 2015
Saturday, 10 October and Sunday, 11 October 2015.
Venue: Berlin
Previous Events:
Topic: Experts from practice and sciences say something to Islam and radicalization law and human rights in Saudi Arabia
Date: 24 February, 2015, 10-11am
Venue: Presseclub Concordia, Vienna
Topic: Islam in Europe
Date: Thursday, 19 June 2014, 19.00pm
Venue: Jewish Museum Berlin, Hall Academy, Lindenstraße 9-14, 10969 Berlin, Underground Station Kochstr. / Checkpoint Charlie (U6) and Hallesches Tor (U1, U6)
Topic: JIK Berlin 2014: ” Berlin identity – city as the author of a diverse society ”
Date: October 2014
Venue: Berlin
Topic: Deutsche Islamkonferenz: Präventionsarbeit mit Jugendlichen
Date: May 7th, 2013
Venue: Berlin